
Whole-Grain Honey Wheat Bread

This recipe is formulated specifically for freshly ground whole wheat flour from Hard Spring wheat. You will get different results if you substitute anything. To start with, I will introduce this recipe as a Bosch mixer recipe, because I use one to make my dough and it takes 10 minutes kneading to get a nicely developed dough. If you are kneading by hand or using a smaller mixer, I recommend using the half recipe to start with and be prepared to knead for 15-20 minutes to get that gluten development that we need to avoid crumbly bread. You’ll notice I don’t use any gluten flour or dough enhancers because I’ve found the simplest solution to making incredibly edible bread is to use the correct wheat. Hard Red or White Spring Wheat Berries are what you will need. The difference between Spring wheat and Winter wheat is about 4% protein. That protein is gluten and it is the structural component of yeast bread baking that allows it to rise and become strong and hold it’s shape. If you have hard winter wheat, you can use it for bread only if you add in additional gluten.

Simple Whole Grain Honey Wheat Bread

Huge batch of bread you can live on it's so healthy.


  • 12.5 cups Hard Red Spring Wheat Berries – Grind Fresh 5 lbs 8 oz by weight
  • 7 cups Warm Water
  • 1 cup Honey 12 oz weight
  • 2 TBSP Yeast
  • 2 TBSP Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 3/4 cup Olive Oil extra virgin


  1. First, add the water, honey and Yeast to the bowl of your Bosch mixer. Then grind the first 6 cups of grain on the flour setting just between pastry and bread on your Wonder Mill. Add the flour to the mixer, but don't turn it on yet. Start the second batch of 6 cups of grain grinding on the same setting. Add the salt and Olive oil on top of the flour in the mixing bowl, still not turning it on. Wait until the second batch of flour is ready to add before turning on the machine, but wait to add it after you do a quick mix of the first ingredients. Once it has barely mixed, add most of the second batch of flour to the bowl, reserving the last cup or two to add slowly. Watch the dough to see if it is pulling away from the side sides of the bowl or sticking and add flour until it is pulling away. You may use the full amount or just a tablespoon or 2 shy of the whole amount. Close the lid and turn on to the first setting and let it incorporate visibly before starting a 10 minute timer. Allow it to knead for a full 10 minutes. To ensure the gluten is fully developed, simply pull off a chunk of dough and attempt to stretch it. It should be stretchy. It should not break easily. You should be able to stretch it quite thin without it simply tearing. If it's not doing this yet, give it another minute or two and check again.

  2. You will need 6 x 1 lb loaf pans. I use dollar store pans for this and they work great. Because it is whole wheat, starting with about 1 lb 8 oz of dough is perfect for these pans. Technically, you should have about 1 lb 9 or 10 oz per loaf if you followed the recipe precisely. Grease the pans liberally with palm oil shortening or olive oil. To shape the loaves, divide into 6 equal portions. I use a scale to make precise loaves, but you don't need to if you don't care that they are all the same. Flatten the 1/6th piece of dough into a rectangle and roll it up tight into a log shape, tuck the ends to smooth and lay it in the pan. Mostly, the goal is to avoid big air pockets and uneven tops.

  3. Cover with a tea towel and allow to rise 25-30 minutes before turning on your oven to 350 degrees. Preheat fully and place in the oven after 40-45 minutes rise time. The loaves should be risen to about 1/2 inch above the edge of the pan. Bake 30 minutes.

  4. Remove promptly from the oven to a cooling rack or towel and remove the loaves from the pans right away to avoid condensation. If you find they are sticking, use a knife to gently release the, or wait 5-10 minutes for steam to build up in the crust, which will help it release.

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