I got the IP Max about a year ago, and it has been a bit of a learning curve over the other versions, simply because it cooks at higher pressure, and therefore everything cooks faster. I can cook brown rice in 13 minutes, vs. 26 minutes in my Instant Pot Duo. That’s a big difference! I’ve been a DUO user …
Make your own Homemade Taco Seasoning packets
OK, so I admit it, I used to spend $1.29-2.99 for a SINGLE packet of the most incredible mix of spices, perfected for fajitas and great for just about any Mexican dish. It was quick and there was no messing it up. I felt a little guilty every time I’d pick up a packet, but the only kosher brand available …
All about homemade Soy Milk
I choose to make my own soymilk for several reasons. #1 being that I can use a traditional system, utilizing soaking and organic non-GMO soybeans #2 being that I don’t want the preservatives, added vitamins and minerals of unknown origin or anything else in my soymilk. Fresh and naked please. #3 would be cost. The cost of 1 batch of …