
More kombucha and a new house!

Yes, we finally moved! 4 kids with 1 on the way and we couldn’t see ourselves making the 2 bedroom apartment work any longer. We were able to rent a 3 bedroom house with a basement, garage and fenced yard. It’s amazing how much space we have now and I’m so incredibly excited by all the potential projects I’ve always done and loved before having toddlers in a tiny place. It was worth the wait, because we needed to pay off our debts and stabilize our income before moving to a house again. My husband had so missed having a work space for blacksmithing and handmade projects. He and I both have this drive and need to create – to make things with our hands. I love to do things like soap making and candle making, which were impossible for the past almost 3 years. My new kitchen is cute and spacious with a big window that looks out at the fenced yard. The basement has an awesome storage room with shelves for storage, and it’s going to hold my mega food storage from deal shopping and stocking staples for extreme budgeting. Also there is space for my canners and food dehydrator. You will be seeing this room!

My kombucha farm is doing incredibly well and I’ve finally got 7 jars brewing (3 litres each) and I’m bottling 2 jars every couple of days. We are just feeling so good drinking it regularly and I want to have enough to offer guests and share with friends. Follow me on Instagram for cool shots of my brewing tradmama_chavahreid

Chanukah 6th night, my kombucha could have lined up like a menorah. The lights are for added warmth, though I also enjoy the sight.
Home Bottled kombucha and sauerkraut

I’m upping my fermenting game with sauerkraut and hopefully will be making tempeh again soon. I soaked chickpeas this week and made hummus, which my kids devoured so quickly I wished I had made double. I’m so happy to be using whole foods and the space is really motivating me.

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